
News and tips about
the automotive industry

Our success is not only due to the quality of our work.
It’s down to attitude, our approach and the way we treat our customers.

Did you know that smart use of car dealership analytics can improve your margins? Whether you want to keep an eye on underperforming team members, vehicle sales, or develop long-term strategic plans that turn y...

Today, online presence is more important than ever to your dealership's growth. The good news is that creating and optimising your online presence is completely doable, and the return on investment is measurabl...

Many organisations use spreadsheets for data management purposes, but spreadsheets can also pose a risk to data security. This is especially true in automotive dealerships, where the risks associated with uncon...

Until a few years ago, purchasing a vehicle without a test drive or seeing it in person was a rare exception. Most online vehicle purchases of this nature dealt with older vehicles or vehicles used for parts or...

Inventory shortages can be a frustrating challenge for dealerships, particularly when demand is high. With the right strategies in place though, dealerships can minimise the impact of inventory shortages and co...

For general managers, it’s easy to get excited about adopting new software. How else are you going to empower your processes and drive performance? 

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A huge component of successful car dealerships is a showroom that best represents the dealership's brand and inventory. To optimise the customer experience and ...

The automotive industry in 2024 is evolving rapidly, presenting new challenges for automakers and dealerships alike. One of the most significant shifts has been...

Key performance indicators (KPIs) measure progress towards a specific goal. Auto dealerships can use multiple KPIs to measure and monitor business performance i...

Despite the impact caused by COVID-19, the economy is recovering. The pandemic disruption affected almost every facet of the auto industry, causing rampant auto...

To improve your processes and grow your revenue, you first need a clear picture of how your car dealership is performing. Because data never lies, dealers are a...

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