
News and tips about
the automotive industry

Our success is not only due to the quality of our work.
It’s down to attitude, our approach and the way we treat our customers.

Data is one of the most important factors of a successful dealership. However, it's important to have high-quality, actionable dealer analytics that help drive success. Data-driven dealerships will have insight...

Dealerships rely on effective data management to perform at their best. One of the most important aspects of data management is data consistency. Without consistent data, dealership data management will suffer ...

Current data indicates that the Australian automotive market is on track to surpass last year's record-breaking new car sales figures once again this year. While demand for cars is outstripping supply in some a...

Historically, leaderboards have played a major role in motivating sales staff and other employees to do their best for many businesses, including dealerships. Leaderboards harness the power of gamification to i...

If you want your dealership to experience long-term success and increase revenue, you need a modern sales funnel. This entails incorporating digital systems to connect with your audience. Over the years, the di...

Engaged employees perform better in any dealership, drive positive ROI, and increase dealership revenue. Meanwhile, disengaged employees can do the opposite, hurting your business's performance and bottom line....

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A huge component of successful car dealerships is a showroom that best represents the dealership's brand and inventory. To optimise the customer experience and ...

The automotive industry is always changing, with new challenges that automakers and dealerships need to overcome. One of the biggest recent challenges in the in...

To improve your processes and grow your revenue, you first need a clear picture of how your car dealership is performing. Because data never lies, dealers are a...

Key performance indicators measure progress towards a specific goal. There are tens of KPIs that auto dealerships can use to measure and monitor business perfor...

Despite the impact caused by COVID-19, the economy is recovering. The pandemic disruption affected almost every facet of the auto industry, causing rampant auto...

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