
5 ways SalesLogs automotive BI software will make your life easier

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5 ways SalesLogs automotive BI software will make your life easier

One of the keys to a successful dealership is effective management, which requires plenty of automation. However, many dealerships rely on outdated technology and processes that only serve to hold them back. If you want to keep up with the market and stay ahead of the competition, you must have automated systems that drive results.

By integrating and implementing reliable automotive business intelligence software, you can achieve the desired results and enable your dealership to thrive. With so many options, finding the right automotive business intelligence solution can be difficult. But there are certain elements to look for that can help you make the best choice.

At SalesLogs, our automotive BI software offers dealerships a host of features that can empower every team and staff member. The following are some ways our SalesLogs automotive business intelligence software will help increase automation and, subsequently, help your business grow.

1. KPI dashboards: Maximise the transparency and value of data

To manage your dealership most effectively, you must have access to valuable data and insights. You can't rely on spreadsheets and manual updates to stay consistently up to date.

Using SalesLogs, you'll benefit from data that updates in real-time. The system provides you with actionable insights into your business through in-depth car dealership analytics. Our tool offers multi-level visual reporting capabilities, allowing you to see key performance indicators at multiple levels. In turn, you can better gauge your dealership's performance from top to bottom. In addition to determining whether your dealership is meeting your business goals, you can find out how each individual team is performing, from sales to aftermarket teams.

2. Targets manager: Create a clear path to your goals

Before you and your teams can reach your goals, you must point everyone in the right direction.

SalesLogs enables you to do this with a targets manager feature, which you can use to set specific targets and communicate them to everyone on your team. Once you've established your targets, SalesLogs generates comprehensive visuals that clearly outline your expectations. You can view your targets up to 12 months ahead, along with details about past performance going as far back as the previous 12 months. Additionally, dedicated targets for individual team members establish transparency and accountability.

3. Leaderboards: Visualise performance by staff or departments

Creating team leaderboards can drive better performance by introducing a competitive element that motivates them. The leaderboard feature in our automotive business intelligence software allows you to easily view and track each team member's performance.

Unlike traditional leaderboards, this feature gives you all the necessary data and clear visualisations that illustrate performance. You can view monthly and weekly sales achievements and compare performance between individuals. In addition, you can ensure everyone stays up to date with real-time daily activity updates.

To further drive motivation, the feature can notify teams of new sales with a celebratory notification, complete with confetti.


4. History tracker: Keep changes clear and teams accountable

Accountability is important in ensuring people take responsibility and that you have ample control over data. Often, people may change data and then blame any mistakes made on others. You can avoid this entirely with the help of SalesLogs's history tracker.

With the history tracker feature, you'll benefit from increased efficiency as you save time on pinpointing team members who made changes to data. A complete audit will display any and all updates made within a designated period. With a single view, you'll see what data has been altered across several categories, deals, and users.

You can even gain insight into each individual cell as you identify data changes by date, time, and user in addition to value updates. If any changes are accidentally made, you can quickly revert to the previous value with a simple click. As a result, you'll clearly see who made each change and precisely when they made it.

5. Synchronised data: Upgrade from spreadsheets to a high-performing DataGrid

Many dealerships have depended on spreadsheets for many years. However, as businesses grow and spreadsheets fill out with more and more data, they can quickly become overwhelming. Over time, spreadsheets on Excel and other platforms can become more difficult to organise and maintain, while programs begin to slow down due to data overload.

You can eliminate the problems caused by traditional spreadsheets using a comprehensive visual data grid that keeps all data on a single accessible platform. The SalesLogs DataGrid feature offers the familiarity of spreadsheets with improved performance and reliability. Regardless of the amount of data in the system, you'll never have to worry about it slowing you down. You can also modify individual user preferences without affecting any other team members' experience.

Other features include:

  • The ability to filter data in columns
  • Summary tiles that give you a clear view of your performance
  • Tabs that organise data according to tasks
  • Views of data for previous months without the need for multiple files

Empower your dealership with SalesLogs today

Your dealership needs the best technology to help you succeed, which is why SalesLogs is here to give you what you require in a central intuitive solution. Using our innovative automotive business intelligence software, you'll equip your business for long-term success.

If you want to learn more about what our innovative software can do for your dealership, book a free demo today.

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