
How do you sell “Ice to an Eskimo”?

How do you sell “Ice to an Eskimo”?


I was once told that I could sell "Ice to an Eskimo", referring to our product as something the end user should handle independently.

I wasn't sure whether to take it as a compliment, that I am one of the world's best salespeople, or in a negative way, that our product isn't necessary.

Then I began to think, can you really sell ice to an Eskimo? Of course you can. But it's not about selling something they already have in abundance, it's about providing a solution that enhances their lives. If you live as an Eskimo, then develop a way to help them get the ice they need in a way that saves time, energy, and frustration. That's when you truly understand their needs and can provide a valuable service.


So many of us are told to do our jobs but aren’t given the necessary tools to do it efficiently. From the outside looking in, it's easy to think we have everything we need.

I might think that a carpenter only needs a hammer instead of a nail gun when building a house. They both do the same job. A hammer is much cheaper, doesn't require any maintenance or consumables, and only takes a few seconds longer to put in a nail. If I'm paying him to be there all day anyway, why pay all that extra money to save a few seconds here and there? It makes perfect sense, but I guarantee no carpenter will ever come work for me.

Prior to the nail gun's invention, carpenters were probably very happy to use a hammer. But now, something has streamlined their process, even if it is only a few seconds at a time. Streamlining a process is key to helping someone do their job. Every second that is saved and every frustration that is removed makes the overall goal easier to achieve and makes that person happier in their role. This satisfaction and sense of accomplishment is what should inspire us to continue finding ways to improve our processes.


A team that can work together in perfect harmony for a common goal might seem impossible to build, but if achieved, can be unstoppable and invaluable. It all starts with understanding the tasks that each team member is doing and helping them streamline their processes a few seconds at a time.


We created SalesLogs to address the unique challenges faced by automotive sales, management, and admin teams. Recognising the need for a streamlined, efficient platform, we developed SalesLogs to centralise data, foster seamless communication, and empower data-driven decision-making. Our goal was to eliminate the silos of information and differing tools that often hinder automotive businesses, replacing them with a unified solution that benefits every member of the team. By providing real-time data access, insightful analytics, and a user-friendly interface, we believe SalesLogs will revolutionise the way automotive businesses operate, ultimately driving increased sales and improved customer satisfaction.

All of us have obstacles in our working life that look simple and obvious to overcome. But, unless you have the experience of doing the task, you will never be able to see the true solutions. Your unique experiences can be the key to making someone's life a little bit easier. Ask yourself, what experience can you leverage to streamline processes and improve efficiency?

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